Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO)
What kind of meetings do IROs support you with?
The service is committed to ensuring that the views of children and young people are proactively gathered and acted upon. The team has successfully achieved an
Investing in Children membership™
They involve a range of children and young people in their work and have a lead IRO who is responsible for this. At present the IRO's are working closely with the CiCC to develop some Child Friendly Care Plans.
If you wish to learn more about IROs and their role, please click here.
What does an IRO do?
An IRO (Independent Reviewing Officer) is responsible for chairing a wide variety of meetings as an 'independent' person(s) for children and young people. IROs are seen as independent because we have a different line of management than Children's Care staff and other operational Children's Services staff. They help to monitor the quality of the services that are provided to children and their families.
Looked After Reviews
Looked After Reviews allow us to discuss the arrangements made for children who are looked after by the Local Authority, and to discuss plans for their future. Consultation and participation of young people is vital to the success of their review.
The review considers the Care Plan for the young person, in consultation with family, carers and associated professionals. It has to consider all aspects of their life including health needs, education, leisure interests and contact with family.
Child Protection Conferences
Child Protection Conferences are arranged by Children and Adults Services on behalf of the Durham Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) to decide if a child has suffered harm and should be made subject to a child protection plan.
A child protection plan details what needs to happen to ensure the child stays safe. It is the responsibility of the Quality and Review Team to arrange and chair review child protection conferences to determine the progress of the plan and whether a plan is still appropriate.
Secure Reviews
Secure Reviews are reviews that are held to review the arrangements for children who have been placed in secure accommodation on welfare grounds.
Foster Carer Reviews/Private Fostering Reviews
Foster Carer Reviews are meetings that review the approval of Foster Carers. These reviews happen at least once a year. It is important that these independent reviews are undertaken to ensure that the welfare of children is promoted and they are being kept safe from harm.
Private Fostering Reviews are the review of arrangements of children under 16 staying with a family as a private fostering arrangement.
Our dedication to young people + link to further information
The service is committed to ensuring that the views of children and young people are proactively gathered and acted upon. The team has successfully achieved an
Investing in Children membership™
They involve a range of children and young people in their work and have a lead IRO who is responsible for this. At present the IRO's are working closely with the CiCC to develop some Child Friendly Care Plans.
If you wish to learn more about IROs and their role, please click here.